
Workation in Italy: A Dual Student’s Adventure in Pisa

As a dual student in her final semester, Lilian decided to take advantage of Homelike’s remote work policy and spend two months in Italy while writing her thesis. With no obligations tying her to her home city of Cologne, she packed her bags and headed to Pisa, where she settled into a shared flat with Erasmus students in the heart of the city. Here’s a glimpse into her experience of working remotely from abroad.

Adapting to Work Life in Pisa

Lilians work routine didn’t change drastically – she was already accustomed to working from home. The transition to working from Pisa felt natural, with her tasks remaining the same. This familiarity helped her avoid major adjustments to her work style.

Highlights of Working from Italy

Food, Glorious Food: One of Lilians absolute highlights was indulging in Italian cuisine. Pizza, pasta, and gelato became staples in her diet (and she has zero regrets!)

Weekend Adventures: Pisa’s excellent train connections opened up a world of exploration. She visited Milan, Portofino, Florence, Siena, and Cinque Terre. Future trips to Sicily, Naples, the Amalfi Coast, Capri, and Rome are already on the horizon.

Challenges Faced While Working in Italy

While working remotely has its perks, Lilian did miss the personal interactions with her team back in Cologne. Lunch breaks and coffee chats with colleagues were notably absent. However, their well-established remote work tools and structures kept them connected despite the distance.

Personal and Professional Growth

This experience pushed Lilian out of her comfort zone – it was her first extended stay abroad and her first solo trip overall. She found herself meeting new people and trying new things, constantly challenging herself to grow.

Professionally, she’s honed her communication skills. Without the luxury of casual office conversations, she has learned to ask the right questions at the right time during meetings and to voice her opinions more promptly.

Balancing Work and Exploration

As a dual student working three days a week, Lili had four valuable days to explore Italy. Flexible working hours allowed her to start early on workdays, freeing up afternoons for beach trips, or start later if she had enjoyed a longer happy hour the previous evening.

Staying Connected with the Team

Google Meet and Slack proved invaluable for maintaining connections with her team. Weekly team meetings, bi-weekly OKR checks, and monthly learning sessions via video calls helped her stay in touch. Slack was perfect for quick questions and impromptu huddles.

Tips for Work-Life Balance Abroad

Planning was key for Lilian to maintain a healthy work-life balance. She created a list of must-see places and activities before leaving and made weekly plans to balance structure and flexibility. Looking forward to exciting trips made her work days fly by.

Reflections on the Experience

Lilian anticipated a mix of joy at reuniting with friends and family, and nostalgia for the new friends, sunny weather, and incredible food she had enjoyed in Italy.

This experience has given her a new perspective on cultural differences. Compared to the warmth of Italians, Germans can seem a bit frosty. She’s looking forward to bringing some of that Italian heartiness back home with me.

Overall, she would describe her remote working experience as incredible – it feels like an extended holiday where she’s had the opportunity to immerse herself in a new culture and absorb a different way of life. She would wholeheartedly recommend this experience to anyone considering it:

“Working remotely from abroad offers a unique blend of professional continuity and personal adventure. It’s an opportunity to broaden your horizons, challenge yourself, and gain new perspectives – all while fulfilling your work responsibilities. If you have the chance to work remotely from another country, don’t hesitate to take the leap!”

Recommendations for Italy

Italy’s culinary scene is divine, but Lilians two standouts were Luini in Milan, known for their authentic panzerotti, and Don Peppinu in Catania, Sicily, for their original gelato.

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