Bright One-Bedroom Apartment with Balcony on Corso Buenos Aires 45, P 3 MM Lima / Loreto. Conveniently located on the third floor in Corso Buenos Aires 45, the street with the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively.
The age of the target group booking this property is between 18 and 30.
The landlord assesses a one-time administrative fee, encompassing VAT, contract registration, third-party insurance, a bedding and towel package, initial and final room cleaning, as well as garbage tax. It's essential to bear in mind that this administrative fee is NON-REFUNDABLE under any circumstances, even in the event of a free cancellation. This fee is displayed within the final cleaning charge.
Within 48 hours of your booking's acceptance on the platform, you will be required to submit a non-refundable admin fee directly to the landlord to secure your reservation. Failure to remit this fee within the specified 48-hour window will result in the booking remaining unconfirmed, and the landlord retains the right to cancel it. Should a cancellation occur due to non-payment of the admin fee and the cancellation policy in place does not permit a free cancellation, there will be no refund for the initial month's rent either.
The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay.
In order to finalize the booking, the landlord needs the following documents:
- Receipt of all due payments
- Proof of income/funds availability, either from you or from your parents (It can be a pay-slip or a bank statement)
- A copy of your passport / ID
- Your address of residence in your home-country
- The acceptance letter from your university/internship or your working contract
The landlord also requires your tax code ("Codice Fiscale") as soon as possible. It's not required immediately upon booking, but it's a document you will need to register your contract, and it is a good idea for you to request it at the Italian embassy in your country or directly at "Agenzia delle entrate" when you arrive in Italy.
Please be aware that a ?50 fee will be charged for move-in and move-out services if they fall outside the landlord's regular office hours, which are from 9 am to 7 pm. Outside office hours: 7 am to 9 am & 7 pm to 11 pm.